Shift Happens

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Tonight in class, I created a Flickr account. In the technological world that we live in, resources that Flickr offers are important tools that help you find, organize and use photo's in various ways. I can use and store pictures of different activities for my classroom. These tools, such as videos will help keep my class on task and will also help to demonstrate proper techniques in areas such as sports, stretching, weight lifting, and countless other topics.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Social Networking

When I was a junior in High School, I created a Facebook account. The reason I created an account was because many of my classmates and friends were getting them and I felt it was a great way to stay connected. It was also the only social networking group that appealed to me. Now that I am in college, it has proven to be a very easy and convenient way to stay connect to my friends and family that are many miles away from what I now call "home". The thing I found most interesting about Facebook is that it allows you to post and view pictures of others. I believe that is the reason why many people are joining social network groups such as Facebook, MySpace, Ning, Gather, and WebJunction.
Now that I am in the process of becoming a teacher, I have found many more ways to utilize this website in my classroom for educational purposes. For example, if I would be to assign my students group work, they could create a group on Facebook and stay connected through that website.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week One

This is my first blog entry, it has been a long time since I have used a Mac Computer. Today in class we discussed the types of projects and assignments we will be covering during this semester. The projects we will be working on sound challenging but yet interesting and I think this class is going to be very beneficial for the upcoming years. I also think creating my own website will be pretty cool.
